CAJE Establishing Jewish Teen Leader Coalition
Posted on 08/20/2021 @ 08:00 AM
Wouldn’t it be a great idea to bring teens from all the different youth groups and denominations together to give us feedback on what they need, to collaborate across organizations and share their ideas?
That’s what CAJE and Miami’s Youth Professional Network decided last year and will be working on this year.
Together the idea is to establish the Miami Coalition of Jewish Teen Leaders (MCJT).
MCJT will bring a selected group of teens from across Miami together to learn, ask big questions, network, share ideas, collaborate, develop leadership skills, and celebrate Judaism.
Jewish youth movements, congregational programs, fellowships, school clubs, and other Jewish teen initiatives – collectively referred to as Youth Serving Organizations (YSOs) will nominate teen representatives. These YSOs may include, but are not limited to, BBYO, NCSY, NFTY, USY, Young Judaea, CTEEN, and JSU.
Teens will be selected for this prestigious leadership role by professionals at their respective organizations for their awareness of current programming in that organization and their ability to represent the YSO well.
A maximum of 3 teens from each YSO will be allowed to serve on MCJT each calendar year.
CAJE-Miami hopes to host 3-4 gatherings for the teen leader representatives per calendar year.
For more information contact CARLYORSHAN@CAJE-MIAMI.ORG

Photo by Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash