Open the Door to Unpacked for Educators

Posted on 08/05/2022 @ 06:00 AM

Tags: Teen Education & Engagement

Open the Door...

Do you, or a young adult or teen in your life, know what to say when someone makes a challenging statement about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

"While in college, I was terrified that someone would ask me a question about this issue or that someone would tell me that my perspective was wrong and I wouldn’t be able to find the facts to back up my opinion."
- Aviva Edrich, CAJE Teen Department Associate 

Here are the videos for you to watch or send to others if they make a challenging statement about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict:

To learn how to respond to these kind of questions and issues
(and share with the teens and young adults you know).

Over the past month, we have presented Unpacked for Educators: An extensive quality online resource created for educators and also available to the public -- for free – via their website, YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. Click here to access these and other similar videos

Unpacked for Educators boasts a multitude of great online resources for teens and adults, including Jewish educational and informational videos, articles and more. Become a (free) subscriber by clicking here

CAJE and the Greater Miami Jewish Federation financially contribute to Unpacked for Educators, because it produces high-quality, relevant, and engaging films, podcasts, TikTok, Instagram posts, and more all about Judaism and Israel.

For more information about Open Dor Media / Unpacked for Educators or anything about fighting anti-Semitism on campus, contact Aviva Edrich  

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