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Rabbi's Dispatch from Israel

Rabbi's Dispatch from Israel

“How was your vacation in Israel?” a friend asked. Ha! I wanted to laugh. It was in no way a vacation, especially with the Houthi alarm service (not recommended on Yelp!) waking us up every night of Chanukkah between 2-5am. How do people there deal with this?!? And by this, I mean more than missile attacks from Yemen every night (though that is certainly a large piece of the horror). We were staying in Beit Shemesh (midway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv)…
The Tanakh / Bible Comes Alive

The Tanakh / Bible Comes Alive

This week’s parsha, Vayechi, concludes the book of Bereisheet / Genesis, and with it the story of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs. When we read the book of Shemot / Exodus next week, this family will have become a nation. Vayechi describes how Yaakov / Jacob dies after blessing his sons, and the haftarah connected with this parsha describes how King David dies after giving his last will and testament hundreds of years later.

CAJE Calendar

CAJE's Yearly Impact

30,288Number of Adults Served

6,966Number of Children and Teens Served

626Number of Teachers and Youth Professionals Served

40Number of Schools Served