The Latest News

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Welcoming Israeli Educators from the COYO Delegation

Welcoming Israeli Educators from the COYO Delegation

This past week, CAJE’s Executive Director, Rabbi Efrat Zarren-Zohar, and Senior Director of Strategic and Teen Initiatives, Carly Orshan, had the privilege of meeting with the COYO delegation, an esteemed group of top leaders from Israel’s foremost youth organizations. COYO: the Israeli Council for Youth Organizations, an umbrella organization that represents a diverse network of 21 different initiatives that empower young people across Israeli society, including both Jewish and Arab communities.
Building a Sanctuary of Divine Presence

Building a Sanctuary of Divine Presence

In Parashat Terumah, the Children of Israel embark on a remarkable endeavor. They undertake the creation of a space miniature in size, yet infinite in purpose: the mishkan (tabernacle), a portable temple designed to represent the Divine Presence accompanying them in their journey. This mishkan was a cubic structure within which the Israelites transported the tablets of the Covenant upon their shoulders throughout their desert wanderings toward the Promised Land. Its significance was profound, serving as the material vessel inviting the divine presence to dwell among them…

CAJE Calendar

CAJE's Yearly Impact

30,288Number of Adults Served

6,966Number of Children and Teens Served

626Number of Teachers and Youth Professionals Served

40Number of Schools Served