Stephanie Goodman

Stephanie Goodman
Leo Martin March of the Living Program Manager
Email Stephanie
305-576-4030, Ext. 143
Stephanie Goodman, originally from Mexico City, grew up in South Florida attending Jewish Day school and participating in many extracurricular activities. She received her Bachelors of Arts with a major in Intercultural & Organizational Communication and a minor in Sociology from Florida Atlantic University (FAU) in May 2010. While studying she served as the President of the Jewish Student Union for Hillel of Broward and Palm Beach, FAU. She was the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s Swimming and Diving Athlete, Diver of the Week in 2009 and a member of Toastmasters International from 2011-2013.
Most recently, Stephanie worked at Valley Forge Fabrics (VFF) in Fort Lauderdale where she focused on Project Management. In her role, she successfully managed and developed projects by generating creative solutions to support colleagues and clients. Prior to working at VFF, Stephanie was a Campaign Associate for the Greater Miami Jewish Federation focusing largely on fundraising, developing relationships within the community, and the thorough planning of Miami’s Super Sunday, our community event that raises money for Jews around the world.
Stephanie is bilingual with fluency in English, Spanish and conversational Hebrew. In her free time, she enjoys exercising, watching movies, line dancing and anything DIY (do it yourself!).
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