Marchers Participate in Yom HaShoah
Posted on 05/13/2022 @ 08:00 AM

As we were looking at the reflection of the water and the giant, forty foot-high outstretched sculpture of a tattooed arm and hand reaching skyward at Federation’s Holocaust Memorial on Miami Beach, the New World School of the Arts violinists began to play the Schindler’s List Theme, originally performed by Itzhak Perlman.
Holocaust Survivors, March of the Living teens, community leaders and guests listened attentively and many shed tears as the stirring and evocative melody washed over all who attended, in-person or virtually.
The program began with Daniella Levine Cava, the first Jewish Mayor of Miami-Dade County and Dan Gelber, Mayor of the City of Miami Beach, speaking about the importance of remembrance on this day and affirming the message of Never Again.

Attendees also heard from Survivor Allan Hall who comes regularly to the Memorial and speaks every year to our Miami March of the Living teens so they can remember his story and learn from the horrors of the Shoah.
Students from Miami’s Leo Martin March of the Living had the privilege of accompanying Holocaust Survivors in a candle lighting ceremony and reading a poem. The students spoke beautifully and emphasized:
“…while we cannot bring the dead back to life, we can insure their memories live on and that their deaths were not in vain. And so, this year, we commit ourselves to one simple act: Yizkor, Remember!”
Miami’s March of the Living looks forward to observing Yom HaShoah on The March next year in Poland as well as celebrating Yom Ha’atzmaut – and Israel’s 75th birthday-- in Israel.

For more information about The Miami Leo Martin March of the Living, please contact Stephanie Goodman
Applications for 12th graders will open in the late Summer so stay tuned!