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Feb 14, 2025

Ensure Survivors’ Voices Are Heard

For decades, CAJE’s Leo Martin March of the Living (often referred to as "the Miami March") has shaped the next generation of Jewish leaders by strengthening their identity, educating about the Holocaust, and equipping them to confront antisemitism and advocate for Israel. At the heart of this journey is the presence of Holocaust Survivors, whose testimonies turn history into lived memory. But we need your support too enable them to come with the teens to Poland by providing them with upgraded flights, single rooms, and personalized care so they travel in dignity.

Jan 24, 2025

A Powerful Experience: Diller Teen Fellows Visit the Nova Festival Exhibition

Miami’s Diller Teen Fellows recently visited the Nova Music Festival Exhibition in Miami, a powerful and moving memorial tribute to the tragic events of October 7, 2023. Through multimedia displays, artifacts, photographs, and personal stories, the exhibit educates visitors about the terror attacks that devastated Israel and the global Jewish community, while highlighting the importance of resilience and remembrance. The Fellows were deeply impacted by the exhibit’s ability to bring these events to life and underscore the dangers of hatred and intolerance.

Dec 13, 2024

Diller’s Jewish Identity Shabbaton

Imagine 19 teens from diverse schools and backgrounds coming together for a weekend of connection, reflection, and growth! That’s what Miami’s Diller Teen Fellows did recently by embarking on their first Shabbaton of the year focused on Jewish identity, which sets the stage for their year of leadership and self-discovery. The Diller Teen Fellows program is Miami’s premier leadership development initiative for Jewish teens entering grades 10 and 11.

Nov 15, 2024

The Friends Who Support Our March

The March is a profound and transformative program that allows participants to bear witness to the atrocities of the Holocaust and the beauty as well as complexities of Israel, while celebrating Jewish identity and resilience. Among the many dedicated individuals who have contributed to the success and sustainability of this program, one figure stands out as a true visionary - Leo Martin z”l, a Holocaust Survivor from Lodz, Poland.

Nov 1, 2024

Diller Cohort 11 Graduation: Celebrating Leadership, Growth, and Jewish Connection

During this tense and fraught time before the US elections and in Israel, it’s always uplifting to focus on good news— our teenagers in the Diller Teen Fellows program who spent year learning leadership skills, forming bonds with each other across denominational divides, connecting with their peers in Yerucham and strengthening their Jewish and Zionist identities. CAJE is honored to be part of their Jewish journey…

Aug 23, 2024

Spotlight on Marian Kruss, March of the Living Chair

The March of the Living has always been a cornerstone for strengthening Jewish and Zionist identity, which is extremely important to me. The Leo Martin Miami March is our insurance policy that prepares the next generation of leaders to strengthen their Jewish identity, remember the Holocaust, act as witnesses, connect with Israel, and respond to intolerance and antisemitism.

Jul 26, 2024

Diller Fellows Discover Spain: A Transformative Leadership Journey

This year, CAJE’s Diller Teen Fellows demonstrated remarkable resilience and innovation by transforming its traditional three-week Israel Summer Seminar (ISS) into an impactful one-week seminar in Spain. This shift, necessitated by the situation in Israel, did not diminish the profound experience our Fellows had. Instead, it opened new avenues for exploring Jewish pride, global networking, and maintaining a strong connection to Israel and our partnership community in Yerucham.

Jul 12, 2024

Strengthening Our Educational Frameworks

This past month, Carly Orshan, CAJE’s Director of Teen Engagement and Education, was privileged to join a group of exceptional national educators on a trip to Israel. Here is the second part of her reflections. At CAJE we are continually seeking ways to enhance our educational frameworks and support Miami youth in their connection to Israel and their Jewish identity.

Jul 5, 2024

Bearing Witness & Finding Resilience

This past month, Carly Orshan, CAJE’s Director of Teen Engagement and Education, was privileged to join a group of exceptional national educators on a trip to Israel organized by The Jewish Education Project (TJEP) and The iCenter, in collaboration with The Jewish Agency. This trip, known as Mishlachot Areyvut, stood to bear witness to the events of October 7th and its aftermath.

May 31, 2024

On A March to Change the World

We invite you to watch a video from two outstanding students who recently returned from the transformational journey to Poland on CAJE’s Leo Martin March of the Living. Joining the over 2,500 Miami alumni of the program, these students embarked on a profound experience that deeply shaped their perspectives.

May 17, 2024

Transformative Journeys: the Leo Martin March of the Living

This reflection from a Miami March of the Living (MOTL) participant encapsulates the profound impact of the program on the 12th graders from Miami-Dade who recently returned from their transformative journey through Poland… this annual pilgrimage has left an indelible mark on young minds, enhancing their connection to their Jewish roots and commitment to global Jewish advocacy and Israel.

May 3, 2024

The Best People-to-People Program for American/Israeli Teens

Just before Passover, CAJE’s Diller Teen Fellows held a weeklong cultural exchange with their counterparts, the Diller Teens from our partnership community of Yerucham, Israel. While our Miami Fellows attended school during the day, the Yerucham Fellows explored Miami, gaining insights into how Judaism is expressed in the Diaspora. They visited synagogues across Miami and engaged in dynamic conversations with Rabbis and other clergy members.

Apr 26, 2024

A Journey of Remembrance and Unity: March of the Living 2024

On May 1, 2024, a group of motivated teens from Miami-Dade, along with exceptional volunteers and two remarkable Holocaust survivors, Allan Hall and Laszlo Selly, are preparing to participate in the global March of the Living. This important event honors the memory of those lost in the Holocaust and celebrates the resilience and vibrancy of Jewish life. It’s a powerful expression of unity, bringing together participants from around the world to share in this moment of collective remembrance.

Apr 12, 2024

ISRAELNOW Ignites 8th Graders' Jewish Journey

How can an experience in California in just five days achieve the goals of helping 8th graders explore their Jewish identity, deepen their connection to Israel, and build relationships with Jewish peers from across the country? IsraelNow has proven it's possible! One major objective of IsraelNow is to nurture and maintain a long-lasting connection and commitment to Jewish life among our community’s youth.

Mar 8, 2024

Developing the Next Generation of Leaders

Recently, Diller Miami Cohort 11 spent the weekend learning and growing as leaders and Jews during their “Leadership Shabbaton,” which the Fellows planned almost entirely by themselves. Diller Fellows are all in 10th or 11th grade and commit to a year-long exploration of leadership skills, Jewish values, tikkun olam, and connection to Israel. The weekend included pluralistic Shabbat experiences, team building, and text study.

Feb 23, 2024

IsraelNow: Educating Teens How to Handle Antisemitism

Originating in Chicago, IsraelNow offers a transformative and enriching experience for Jewish 8th graders in Miami-Dade public schools or non-Jewish private schools over Spring Break. It serves as an immersive and guided journey, imparting knowledge about both themselves and their heritage. The primary goals for the program include developing Ahavat Yisrael, a connection to the land, state, and people of Israel, strengthening the teen Jewish peer social networks, and building their Jewish self-confidence.

Feb 2, 2024

Past, Present & Future: Miami’s March of the Living Journey

Miami’s Leo Martin March of the Living is at the heart of CAJE’s enduring commitment to Jewish education and has served as a beacon of learning for Miami Jewish teens since 1988. Throughout the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, the March has remained dedicated to educating high school students.

Dec 15, 2023

Diller Teens Share Their Light

This past weekend, our CAJE Miami Diller Teen Fellows participated in their opening Jewish Identity Shabbaton where they engaged in activities designed to guide them in exploring the different aspects of their Judaism and bond as a group. Diller Teen Fellows is Miami’s premier leadership development program for a select group of 20 Jewish teens entering grades 10 and 11.

Nov 3, 2023

Diller Teen Fellows Graduation & Welcoming Cohort 11

Over a month ago, an extraordinary event took place that brought together the past and the future of Jewish leadership -- the graduation of Diller Teen Fellows Cohort 10 and the exciting kickoff of Diller Cohort 11. These young leaders, handpicked for their dedication and passion, represent a dynamic force for positive change in the Jewish community, guided by the timeless values and teachings of Judaism.

Oct 13, 2023

CAJE Responds to the Crisis

In the midst of what is transpiring in our homeland of Israel, CAJE’s many departments are working diligently to help our schools and constituencies with resources to help support Israel, find comfort, talk with children and students, and take action.