Frequently Asked Questions

About The Miami Leo Martin March of the Living
Information on the 2020-21 Program
Miami MOTL Strategic Plan Information
Make A Donation | Photo Gallery

The following information is from last year. Once we learn more regarding the 2021 program, this information will be updated.

  1.  What are the dates of the March of the Living?
    The 2019 dates for the Leo Martin March of the Living are tentatively April 18th – May 3rd, 2020.
  2.  What is the cost of the Leo Martin March of the living program?
    The total cost is $7,475 including the round trip flights to/from New York.
  3.  Are there any payment arrangements for those who require assistance?
    Payment arrangements are made on an as-needed basis. All payment is paid in full before February 2019.
  4.  What is required of March participants?
    All Marchers are required to:
    • Commit to 100% participation in seven pre-March educational sessions (once-a-month, on Sundays, beginning in November)
    • Participate in all programs on the March, and present a positive attitude at all March events and activities
  5. What are the charges for Non-Sufficient Funds Checks and Other Forms of Returned Payments?

    Miami March of the Living will charge $50 for any payment that is returned as non-sufficient funds (NSF) or disputed. This includes checks and all forms of electronic payments.When the payment is returned we will add such charges to the amount owed by the payor.
    Repayment must be made immediately and can be remitted using cash, money order, cashier’s check, or credit/debit card.

  6.  Is there financial assistance available?
    Yes, financial assistance is available for those who qualify. You will be asked to upload a complete signed copy of your 2017 Federal tax return and any supporting documents. Tax forms are reviewed only by staff and Financial Assistance Committee. Full confidentiality is maintained. Please note there is a set amount of funds available to be distributed.  Awards are given on an as-needed basis. No Marcher will receive more than a 2/3 scholarship. Applications for financial assistance are due at the time students apply for the Program. Financial assistance is made available through the Friends of the March of the Living.
  7. Do I need to purchase travel insurance for the March of the Living program? 
    • All participants must travel with their own insurance from their home community. The insurance provided is a supplemental insurance only.
    • The MOTL encourages participants to purchase their own travel insurance through a third-party vendor. We provide a third-party option that participants can opt into for an extra cost when they register for the program OR families can shop for their own third-party insurance. 
    • The International March of the Living insurance only covers those who arrive to Poland and Israel with the group and depart with the group. Those that are staying early or staying late are not covered under the policy.
    • The International March of the Living insurance does not cover participants ages 85 and above.
    • The International March of the Living insurance does not cover pre-existing conditions for anyone ages 70 and above.
  8.  As an adult, can I apply to be a staff member for the March?
    Yes, for more information, please contact the March Manager at 305-576-4030, ext. 144.
  9.  Can I extend my stay in Israel?
    Changes to flights are allowed upon parent’s request for an additional fee. For more information, please contact the Leo Martin March of the Living office at 305-576-4030, ext. 144.
  10.  Can I make any selections regarding my roommate(s)/bus group?
    No, all room assignments are made only by the March staff.
  11.  Is the trip kosher and are meals provided for the Marchers?
    The Leo Martin March of the Living is a kosher trip and all meals are provided each day for the marchers. There will be times in Israel when participants are given money to enjoy lunch on their own, however every meal must stick to our kosher guidelines with no exceptions. There is no time for marchers to purchase their own food items in Poland.
  12.  What clothes are needed for this trip?
    The March requires participants to practice the Jewish value of tzniut/modesty in dress and out of respect, no participant (male/female/adult/teen) should wear short shorts, tank tops or crop tops. The weather will fluctuate (sometimes by the minute) especially in Poland where we can expect low temperatures and sometimes freezing rain, snow or hail, depending on the time of year. Israel will be significantly warmer. Please pack accordingly and follow the packing guidelines you will be given.
  13.  What are the religious aspects of this trip?
    Mandatory morning prayers will take place each day with an option to choose an Egalitarian (Reform, Reconstructionist, Conservative) Service or an Orthodox service and sometimes an alternative service. On Shabbat, we attend Shabbat evening services and Saturday morning services (often at local synagogues, if possible) as well and keep the Sabbath in accordance with Orthodox practices out of respect for those that do. Even if you normally do not observe Shabbat, we ask every participant to try out a "Digital Shabbat" on the March. Minimally, this means that Marchers may not use their phones in public on Shabbat and are asked to keep them in their rooms during the entire 24-hours.
  14.  How much money should participants bring?
    All meals and activities are included in the initial price of the March of the Living. However, there will be shopping opportunities from time to time in Israel, where a marcher may want to purchase a memento. There will not be shopping options in Poland but there will be Tzedakah (charity) opportunities at various spots in both Poland and Israel.
  15.  What are the options of parents and teens to be in touch during the trip?
    Phone plans and wifi are not provided to the marchers and we do hope they spend most of their time focused on the journey itself and not on their phones. With that said, parents are free to contact participants as they wish. We will also be posting photos daily on our website, Facebook and Instagram pages, so parents can feel like they are right there with them. Additionally, the actual March from Auschwitz to Birkenau will be broadcasted live through the International March of the Living. Details will be emailed closer to the date.
  16.  Can a Marcher meet up with a friend or family member while on this trip?
    All parts of the March of the Living are carefully scheduled to maintain the safety of all participants and marchers are not permitted to leave the group at any time. In Poland, security is especially tight and we will not permit marchers to leave the group for any reason. In Israel, there will be allotted free time on Shabbat, from approximately 11AM - 5PM. To arrange to meet a friend or family member in Israel, parents/guardians must submit the permission form prior to departure. Additionally, Marchers can only be signed out by the approved friends or family members, who must be over 21 years of age. We will send out an email to remind parents about permission forms.
  17.  Where will the Marchers visit while on this journey?
    Visits vary each year but in general, Marchers will tour both death and labor camps in Poland including Auschwitz, Birkenau, Treblinka, and Majdanek, while also learning about Jewish life before the war as well as Jewish life throughout Poland today. In Israel, we travel to the Negev, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. However, our schedule changes year to year based on a variety of considerations. More details are given out before departure.
  18.  What about missing school and any AP/ IB Exams?
    Students will receive a letter from our program that will excuse them from school during the program. 

    The 2020 March of the Living program does not conflict with AP testing this year but AP exams begin the day after we return.Talk to your administration regarding make up exams.
    For AP 2020 Dates click here

    IB Testing- There are some exams that begin before we return. Click here to check the schedule
  19.  How do we pack for the Program and what other information do we need before traveling?
    All information regarding travel guidelines are outlined in our Parent and Teen Packet. 
    Download: Parent and Teen Information Packet. 
  20. What is the Miami's March of the Living 2020 cancellation policy? 

    If cancellation is between
    Nov 1, 2019 and Dec 1, 2019  | $525-Nonrefundable
    If cancellation is between
    Dec 1, 2020 and Jan 1, 2020|  $1,150-Nonrefundable
    If cancellation is between
    Jan 2, 2020 and Feb 1, 2020 | $1,625-Nonrefundable
    If cancellation is between
    Feb 2, 2020 and Mar 1, 2020|  $2,125-Nonrefundable
    If cancellation is between
    Mar 1, 2020 and Mar 15, 2020 | $3,225-Nonrefundable
    If cancellation is after March 15, 2020
    Full payment- No refund

    Miami MOTL follows this cancellation policy for students who withdraw themselves from the program, students who are asked to withdraw due to health or behavioral issues, and for any unforeseen acts of terrorism, natural disaster, world health concerns, acts of war or any circumstances beyond Miami MOTL's control.