Miami MOTL Strategic Plan Information

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What is a Strategic Plan?

Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy.

Why did we conduct a Strategic Plan?

Miami’s Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE) assessed the 30-year program of the Miami March of the Living to identify where we should move the program for the next 3-years complete with goals, objectives, and benchmarks to grow our program and guide our future direction.

CAJE wanted to use this opportunity to connect with community members (local and national) to strategize next steps for the March of the Living program and hear other’s strategic thinking about the program.

How did we conduct this process?

To begin the process, the Strategic Planning Team which was comprised of Mojdeh Khaghan Danial as the Chair, Tara Solomiany, Chair for the Education Working Group, Laura Koffsky, Chair for the Sustainability Working Group along with professional staff. This group developed the key strategic and operational questions to guide our strategic thinking, research, and recommendations.

We then gathered a Strategic Planning Committee, an Education Working Group and a Sustainability Working Group comprised of community leaders. Here, committee members were tasked to conduct research, discuss data, and come up with recommendations. Simultaneously, the groups participated in our Strategic Plan Vision retreat where we evaluated current trends in Jewish Teen Research today as it relates to the March of the Living program and the recommendations suggested.

We also conducted focus groups and one-on-one interviews, holding specific stakeholder interviews to understand the interests of our community. Additionally, we completed outside research on other March of the Living programs and immersive travel programs to Poland.

What did we learn from our research?

Guided by the wisdom of our founder and informed by the voices of more than 100 of our community stakeholders, we have identified four strategic priorities to help move the Miami March of the Living program forward. The first recommendation was to develop and execute new and relevant mission, vision, and goal statements to frame the foundation of the program.

Click Here to read our Strategic Plan

For more information about Miami's Leo Martin March of the Living, contact or call at 305-576-4030 ext. 143